Modeling Within-Host and Between-Host Dynamics in Infectious Disease Transmission
Using agent-based methods, we model and optimize healthcare interventions, such as vaccination and drugs, in a framework that combines within-host and between-host dynamics. We address several fundamental questions about (a) modeling pathogen and immune responses (including drugs) in infected individuals to understand what determines disease severity and infectiousness and (b) modeling pathogen transmission at the population level.
Papers and Research Reports
Cost-effective proactive testing strategies during COVID-19 mass vaccination: A modelling study
Du Z, Wang L, Bai Y, Wang X, Pandey A, Fitzpatrick MC, Chinazzi M, Pastore Y Piontti A, Hupert N, Lachmann M, Vespignani A, Galvani AP, Cowling BJ, Meyers LA Lancet Regional Health. Americas (2022) Article Pdf |